Sunday, August 12, 2007


Nun…demi kalam dan demi apa yang dituliskan… Amalku cita-citaku…tujuanku harapanku… walau di mana jua,sampai bila masa… Itulah lakaran di laman fikiranku, malam yang kian sirna… merayap-rayap di kaki fajar…musim sedang berbunga… namun ku masih leka…berselimut kaku berdengkur… pada titian usia yang kian merapuh…di bibir mega ku berbisik… Basuhlah mata, hidupkan wajah… pada lembaran al-Furqan ku lafazkan… pada tinta-tinta pena yang kian mengalir… lantaran tinta ulama’ akan dibalas dengan darah syuhada’… tali perjuangan ini akan tetap berpilin… mengayam utuh rentak kehidupan, memberi makna lakaran perjalanan… lantaran hidup bukan sekadar kebetulan… Aku akur akan suratan…sebuah ketentuan yang pasti… Andaikata bumi ini dilanda sumpah tujuh keturunan… takkan ku bermati di hujuh jari… membiarkan rebut taufan melanggar… dibelah pasir membakar jasad hitam… akan ku sapu mendung yang menghitam di mukaku… aku anyam rantai azam kekuatan… melawan ombak-ombak ganas yang menerpa ke mukaku… akanku berdiri menjadi bentengnya… angkatan sebuah kepastian pasti akan berkunjung… lentera ini takkan padam… pada hari ini…bukan hari semalam…bukan jua detik yang tak pasti datang… paduan genggam bara semangat…membakar rentung jasad resesif… membangkitkan aku berdiri gagah… Lantaran …izinkan lentur temali dura… yang bercangkaliwang di dadaku saban kala… kanku kafan dengan kain putih…biar lena bersemadi… akanku tancap nisan sebuah kenangan usang… dan relakan bangkitku menebus maruah! Tapi….andaikata aku gugur di keranda lente… biarkan tumbuh benih pejuang…jangan aku mati hina berlutut… meninggalkan sepi anak-anak bangsa… dengan tangan kosong retorik semata-mata… aku bukan insan yang bertempik sorak di gelanggang… bukan mulia disambut hamparan merah… kerana aku dilahirkan untuk mentafsir… makna seorang aku… aku seorang hamba kepada pencipta… aku seorang anak…. aku seorang pelajar… aku….”islamic student”… mentafsir erti sebuah cita-cita… dan melihat gemerlapan sinar Tuahan di seluruh pelusuk alam………. WaALLaHu SuBHaaNaHuu WaTaaLa a'Lam..

Dedicate to all kisasian

Message: AT-10-TION FOR SBP STUDENT DAN SEK AGAMA DAN BDK2 LAIN JGK.... Message: zaman skolah ber 'ana-enti',Sekarang hilang diterbangkan angin;'Aku-engkau' jadi pengganti,"Ana rindulah sama Al-Amin.."Bertudung labuh ayu sentiasa, (yeke?)Ikhlas atau peraturan semata; (seems morelike the latter)Sekarang ni gaya 'hebat-hebat' belaka,Entah bila nak 'ayu' semula.Cakap siang pandang-pandang,Cakap malam dengar-dengar;Batas pergaulan makin berkurang,Dah makin lupa apa ustaz&ustazah ajar.Dulu cakap ngan laki jarang sekali,Batas pergaulan punyalah jaga;Sekarang pampang gambar ngan buah hati, (especially atFriendster)"Kak, rasa malu tu campak pi Thailand ka?"Dulu bahasa bukan main jaga,Bukan apa, takut terbuat dosa;Sekarang dah pandai bahasa gila-gila,Gara-gara orang kutuk "engkau ni skema"Dulu berlumba-lumba dengan member,Hafal Quran gila-gila..pi usrah la..join persatuan agama laaaaa;Sekarang haprak xder...kumpul habuk jer,"atau...Alah, aku banyak kerja lain laa..."Ustaz selalu cakap kat kita,Jadilah contoh muslim sejati;Tapi sayang kebanyakan leka,Bila dunia diletakkan di hati.Orang cakap budak sbp..sek.agama.. berkualiti,Baik, berakhlak lengkap semuanya;Sayangnya indah khabar dari realiti,Bila melihat pada fi'il anak didiknya.Bila ditegur angin satu badan,Konon sudah tahu belaka;Kalau dah tahu kenapa teruskan,Seronok sangat ke kumpul dosa?Macam tu lah kalau terasa diri hebat,Nama pun lepasan sekolah asram penuh dan agama;"Tak payah laa kau nak bagi nasihat,Kau ingat kau tu baik sangat ke?"Itulah realiti budak skolah agama dan sbp,Majoriti terkejut dek dunia luar;Akhlak dan ilmu dalam pagar skolah saja,"Tak sesuai laa semua-semua ni kat luar!"Kesian ustaz dan ustazah mengajar kita,Kesian mak bapak nak anak jadi berguna;Kita ambil sambil lewa,Alasannya kita bukan insan sempurna.Memang insan tiada yang sempurna,Kerana itu dituntut berusaha;Tak guna ilmu penuh di dada,Jika tak berusaha menghayatinya.Bukan mengeji bukan mengata,Teguran ikhlas dari jiwa;Teguran buat diri saya juga,Saya juga insan penuh dosa.Don't be hipocrit,okkkkkkSekian, wassalam


A lot of people have worked hard to make MEFEK happen. I’d like to first start by thanking God almighty for giving me strength in guiding me through this journey.
To my KETUA PENGARAH-Abg. Irvan congratulations! Paling best masa naik STORM!! Roller coaster..haha.To kak Effa-thanks coz being such a good sis..To A.syawal –thanksla tlg angkat barang.orang kuat nie. To kak Wawa –ehem…ehem..kantollah pulak! To kak Ekin-thanks selalu inform meeting..To kak hani-thanks bagi duit ribu2..hadiah tu…huhu.
To the havoc team-Pengarah Program Mazlan-lain kali jangan buat program awal sangat- aku tak bangun..and syazwan-tima kacih banyak2 banyak bantu…To Pengarah protocol Abg Alan- lain kali jemput datin plak..lagi satu datang awal sebelum VVIP datang…huhu
To fiera-jadi pembantu a.alan yang baik. Gud gurl! To pengarah pemasaran merangkap roomate aku-lina dapat duit dari jutawan punya..and syihab- bantulah lina …kerana ko ada link ngan OKK…haha..To pengarah gerai-armly…thanks la bantu buat pelan gerai..macam jom heboh plak. To lin- keep
urwork. To Pengarah Pameran- musa pamerlah apa2 yang patut..To Intan- tahniah dapat sponsor majalah yang banyak tu… To Pengarah keselamatan- Azam and da gang-lain kali boleh jadi real pak guard..ada bakat and rupa. To Pengarah cenderamata-kak mastikanor hadiah donat aka ieja…thanksla banyak bantu aku..cyg ko! To Pengarah publisiti dan penerbitan abg shahrul- buat poster cantik2 pastu kitorang boleh tlg heboh satu kampong..huhu
To pengarah jamuan –wani…thankslah bagi aku makan sepanjang program..
Timb.pengarah teknikal and multimedia- thanks lah lopan and my crew aida, rabi, are-pool, petir….aku tak dapat nak kata apa lagi…jom karaoke jer…Pengarah dekorasi- shukri..Hiaslah pentas macam kenduri kahwin plak aku tengok. To safarah-ko nie memang ONAR…jangan marah!
To pengarah tugas2 khas-Ayub…apa2 ja…huhu..
Special thanks to Saieng…cari artis and gang suara sensasi…thanks cik Mar kerana banyak bantu and idea…and not forgetting- pdot, kaka, shafiq, wan…for battle of the bands…jangan serik..lain kali buat lagi…aku nak ikut botb plak..haha
I would like to thank all the wonderful people that I have met and learned –En.Tuah Elektrik.JPP.Unit Sukan .En.Khairullah for canopy.Haji Shamsudin pa system Harmonics enterprise. Wak gerai. Storm..and sponsor.
To talented dj…abg azri yang macam suara jamal..thanksla jadi dj. Abg fadhil yang cool jaga mixer..hati2 ngan orang 3 key lower..haha..abg lanz PUTERA..Artis corner thankslah bagi cd kat sy…abg Boy Pj..tetiba plak bagi phone num…ceh..taulah nak promote. To abg Roslan Shah- memang havoc…thanks lah cover line…To Fazli Zainal,Harith Othman…artis baru nie…press Bacaria, Remaja n sesapa yang lupa nak list…
And last but most definitely not least to my best frens- gobek,donat,safarah,intan,wani, armly,sharp,saieng,lopan,petir …I luv u guys….muah..muah…
Dan jutaan terima kasih kepada semua yang terlibat secara langsung atau tidak dalam menjayakan Festival 3 G Rahim Kajai pada kali ini.

Thursday, April 5, 2007

Online Quiz Results i've done my online quiz-Ujian Kendiri Ict...i got my score 26 from 30 questions. My experience using online test of course i've to answer my question carefully...the questions make me pretty confusing but i tried my best to answer these questions...maybe, the question in malay language. That's why i didn't know the answer. I love Ict subject very much so it's not difficult to me to answer online can gain my knowledge about Ict course. I really enjoying the quiz...

Online Quiz Results :: Kemahiran Asas ICT
Your Score : 26/30
Online Quiz Results Summary
Your #Attempts
: 1
Total Class #Attempts
: 444
Your Quiz Score
: 26/30

Your Average Score/#Attempts

: 26

Class Average


Your Highest Score Ever
: 26

Overall Highest Score


Note: This may not be your final marks. Due to some of the subjective and semi-objective questions (short essay and fill in the blank).

Thursday, March 22, 2007


Significant of Blogging
We have learned that blogging are useful in our learning process. From blogging we can express our opinions, share ideas, help us to develop confidence in expressing our thoughts. It also helps us to deliver opinions to others. Furthermore, blogging are alternative diaries and we can posts our activities that we have done in class tutorial.

Writing our own blog while doing this course was an enjoyable experience. At first, it is difficult to us to access the internet. Although there are internet cafĂ©, they are quite costly. So we might to use Wifi using our laptop but the connection is to low and we can’t get to access the internet. It would take us at least an hour to browse the internet website. But, we will try our best to complete the postings.

Blogging has improved our writing skills. This is because we have learned how to write in the best way. Anyone who visited our blog can leave their opinion or comments. So, we know that someone has read about our postings. We can get the feedback whether it is bad or good. Beside that, we can attain some knowledge about information technology.

Blogging also has disadvantages. For example, we can’t recognize the sender face to face. So we don’t know anything about them. Futhermore, we are facing a lot of problem to enter the blog because it is so complicated to sign in the blog. Blog is too privacy for someone but it can be fun if the blog are interesting to visit.

What did our learned from the blogging activity?
Writing own blog help us in writing and typing skill. It also gave us an opportunity to express our opinions and share our ideas. So, we can write about anything that we want without any fear. It also helped us to develop confidence to express our viewpoint or things that we would not have said in tutorial. Futhermore, writing blogs is an effective way of developing our English language proficiency. We also can learn how to use the blog in internet technology

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Analysis on concordance based on lecture slide.

Nowadays, we are using english as a second language. English is very important because it used by many people around the world. As non as native speakers, we always facing a lot of problems especially using grammar and the structure. So, concordance help us to investigate language development. According to Woodland 2000, the language corpus has commonly been used as the basic of dictionaries and teaching materials. In our view, concordance is a new software that help us do analyze the language. For example, concardance are use in jurnal to find out word such as “love”. In this case, we can count the word in easy way. On the other hand, it can help us to know what are the function of the word. According to teachers, reseachers and even language learners typically examine concordance line to discover how words and grammatical constructious or used, Shemiff (2002:34). Here we can see the benefits of concordance which may help students to “look at the systematicity of language as an interesting linguistic puzzle, rather than a set of boring rules to be momorized.”

Use of Concordance
Make indexes and word lists
Count word frequencies
Compare different usages of a word
Analyze keyword
Find phrases and idioms
Publish to the webThou art lightning and love, I found it, a winter and warm;
The Wreck of the Deutschland Loathed for a love men knew in them, The Wreck of the Deutschland Is it love in her of the being as her lover had been? The Wreck of the Deutschland For the listener; for the lingerer with a love glides The Wreck of the Deutschland Or love or pity or all that sweet notes not his might nursle: Henry Purcell And locks love ever in a lad! The Bugler's First Communion For fond love and for shame. Brothers Of God's love, O live air, The Blessed Virgin compared Our law says: Love what are ' love's worthiest, were all known; To what serves Mortal Beauty? For love he leans forth, needs his neck must fall on, kiss, (The Soldier) Kind love both give and get. Only what word To seem the stranger Wedlock. What the water? Spousal love. Epithalamion TO him who ever thought with love of me To him who ever

Thursday, March 8, 2007

Differences and similarities of sms, email and chat languages

There are some differences between sms, chat and emails. Firstly, when we using emails we always using many or large space for adding our words. Example, in emails we sometimes use at least one long paragraph for send our message. Rather than using sms and chat, we always using short sentence while writing.
Secondly, in sms we seldom using smiley or emoticons while send message to our friends. We usually didn’t enough time to create smiley or emoticons and not many people has that function in their hand phone. Rather than emails and chat, people like to use this function because it was already there. Many people like to using smiley because it easy to choose to express our feeling.
Thirdly, while typing sms and chat the feedback from our friends are quick or fast rather than emails, if only the receiver want to give their feedback. These situation, we can see because the person usually already there to send their feedback. But in emails not everybody will open and know that they get new emails in their inbox.
In sms the sentence usually black in color but in emails and chat we can hyperlinks it or select it to become any color that we want. We can type our sentence in chat using yellow or green ink for more creative and colorful. But in sms we cannot do that.

Most of words that use in emails, chat and sms are usually in short forms. Many of people like to use short sentence because these are style in typing. We could know these situations because they always in hurry while typing and didn’t much time to type in full sentences. Example of words that using short sentence are thank you become t.q, today become 2dy and what become wat.
One similarity in chat and sms are the length. We can see why, because people just typing an important word to limit their time. Sometimes, people also send short emails like one or two sentence, because of their limit of time.
One more thing is, while using emails and chat, we like to add smiley and make many colorful there because it beautiful and creative. Smileys are easy to use because it can express our emotion while typing and sending our messages.

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Hush Entertainment

Hush Entertainment
Established in the year 2000, Hush Entertainment is a company mainly dealing with all works pertaining to singer, composer and producer Yasin Sulaiman. Now, five years down the road Hush Entertainment which comprises of a publishing house and production house is also equipped with a recording studio.
Yasin Sulaiman
He is an award winning Malaysian singer, composer and music producer. Yasin, who is keen on exploring World & Global music often presents songs that fresh and infused with a mixture of cultures. To date, he has over a dozen hit songs through his 10 year involvement in the Malaysian music scene. Currently, Yasin has worked with many big names in the industry such as Ella (Kau Tiada Ganti), Akademi Fantasia 2003 winner, Vince (Berkobar-kobar) and Malaysia's number one hip-hop group, Too Phat (Alhamdullilah).
Hush Studio
Established in the year 2003 at the home of producer Yasin Sulaiman, Hush Studio is a small, friendly and comfortable space for Yasin to pen down and create his master-pieces. Not only have tunes such as Alhamdullilah (Too Phat feat. Yasin) been recorded here but other popular tunes such as Lagu Rindu (Siti Nurhaliza), Perhitung (Akbar feat.Too Phat) and Berkobar-kobar (Vince feat. Yasin) was also produced in this fully digital studio.
Hush Studio has been visited by many popular artistes who has graced our studio to record their songs such as Rabbani, Ella, Waheeda, Ahli Fiqir, Bienda and many more. Being a small establishment, Hush Studio currently only provides its space for artiste that are currently collaborating with Yasin.

Aisyah in the house!!