Thursday, March 8, 2007

Differences and similarities of sms, email and chat languages

There are some differences between sms, chat and emails. Firstly, when we using emails we always using many or large space for adding our words. Example, in emails we sometimes use at least one long paragraph for send our message. Rather than using sms and chat, we always using short sentence while writing.
Secondly, in sms we seldom using smiley or emoticons while send message to our friends. We usually didn’t enough time to create smiley or emoticons and not many people has that function in their hand phone. Rather than emails and chat, people like to use this function because it was already there. Many people like to using smiley because it easy to choose to express our feeling.
Thirdly, while typing sms and chat the feedback from our friends are quick or fast rather than emails, if only the receiver want to give their feedback. These situation, we can see because the person usually already there to send their feedback. But in emails not everybody will open and know that they get new emails in their inbox.
In sms the sentence usually black in color but in emails and chat we can hyperlinks it or select it to become any color that we want. We can type our sentence in chat using yellow or green ink for more creative and colorful. But in sms we cannot do that.

Most of words that use in emails, chat and sms are usually in short forms. Many of people like to use short sentence because these are style in typing. We could know these situations because they always in hurry while typing and didn’t much time to type in full sentences. Example of words that using short sentence are thank you become t.q, today become 2dy and what become wat.
One similarity in chat and sms are the length. We can see why, because people just typing an important word to limit their time. Sometimes, people also send short emails like one or two sentence, because of their limit of time.
One more thing is, while using emails and chat, we like to add smiley and make many colorful there because it beautiful and creative. Smileys are easy to use because it can express our emotion while typing and sending our messages.

1 comment:

norizan said...

Aisyah, good work as you managed to also add in pictures. By the way the second posting is not related Hush entertainment? Did I ask you to write on that? what is the connection of the studio and you? Care to elaborate?

Aisyah in the house!!